Orangutan Foundation

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The Orangutan's Plight - A Poem

We would love to share a poem written by one of our young supporters...

The Orangutan's Plight 

by Valentino Rodrigues, aged 10

Orangutan in a tree

From high in the treetops that are my home

I'm lost and afraid 

I feel so alone


Our forest was huge once covering miles

It was full of life

And my mothers smiles


They are moving in closer the men with the fire

Clearing my home 

With their greed and desire


These men killed my mother, it broke my heart

I'm scared as I watch them

Pull my home apart


So many of my kind have been killed in this way

We cannot stop them

We have no say


Someone please help us, we really need you

Stop destroying us and our forest

For your cheaper food


Thank you Valentino for this fantastic poem!

Help us protect the orangutan's forest. Please donate today to support our work in Indonesian Borneo.