
Great apes in print

We have been working with outstanding wildlife photographer Ian Wood to raise awareness of orangutans and showcase some of Ian's wonderful photographic prints.

For the unique opportunity to obtain a limited edition, high-quality orangutan print, join the online auction here for your chance to bid on a one-off print signed by our Founder & Director/Trustee, Ashley Leiman OBE. You can also visit the Lucy Bell Gallery in St Leonard’s-on Sea before the 14th November to see this amazing work in person!

Additionally, there are five incredible prints available online with 25% of all proceeds going to the Orangutan Foundation. Each print has their own story from Ian:

Photo 1 - Wise man of the forest
A close encounter with this wild male Borneo orangutan in Lamandau wildlife reserve, Kalimantan, Indonesia. This area of forest offers real hope for the future and is where the Orangutan Foundation’s forest regeneration program takes place with tens of 1000s of new trees planted.

Photo 2 - The kiss
Orangutans are the best mothers in the natural world with their offspring dependent on them for up to eight years. I captured this moment in Tanjung Puting National Park,Borneo, which shows the love between mum and baby is very mutual.

Photo 3 - Gentle giant
I was fascinated with this male orangutan’s interaction with a butterfly which I hope captures the gentle nature of these animals. Taken in Tanjung Puting National Park, Borneo.

Photo 4 -The windows to the soul
I love being in a storm in the rain forest and this was taken after a downpour of biblical proportions. Crouching under a tarpaulin to keep my camera gear dry, I waited for the deluge to end and was rewarded with such a close encounter with this curious baby orangutan.

Photo 5 - Joy
Observing young orangutans is often an experience full of joy and the expression on this one’s face sums up this enchanting spirit they have. Taken in Tanjung Puting National Park, Borneo.

The Lamandau Wildlife Reserve

We are delighted to be able to convey the news that two of our soft-release orangutans, Jessica and Ketty, have now been released into the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve. Staff are confident both will go on to living fulfilling lives in the wild, free from the threat of habitat loss.

In light of this positive news and #RainforestLive, we are introducing a new initiative in support of the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve.

Become a guardian and actively protect:

  • 158,144 acres of tropical peat forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo
  • 500 critically endangered orangutans - a number which continues to increase as more are rescued and released
  • thousands of threatened species including gibbons, sun bears and clouded leopards
  • 5 million tonnes of stored carbon.

A regular gift of £16.50 a month or a one-off donation of £200 for the year (the equivalent of 55p a day) will contribute towards the management of the Reserve.

Visit our webpage for more information on how to become a guardian.

Running for Orangutans - A Fundraiser's Story

"Have you ever considered doing something for charity? Wanted to do something worthwhile without knowing quite what? Well I've had this nagging away at me for sometime now, but what to do and for which charity? Well, one such thought I've had for a while is to visit Borneo, at least once in my life and do some work with Orangutans. Ideally I'd like to visit regularly and do as much as I can, by way of contributing to a better life for this species. Apes (like many other endangered species), our closest relatives deserve so much better than we afford them. Ideally they should be left alone to enjoy their environment, but the world will no longer permit that. We continue to mistreat them and abuse their habitat for our own, short sighted greed! Perhaps my want to visit and help is nothing more than a pipe dream. And surely hellishly expensive too! Oh well. Maybe not.

Anyway, last year I made some big changes to my life; quit smoking after 30 years, got a new job, started eating healthily and decided to get fit . I also met a new special someone. We chatted about anything and everything, as you do. Dreams and ambitions got discussed and Borneo and the Orangutans were mentioned. Anyway, a few days later we meet up and she presents me with a gift. I unwrap it and am enchanted to have been given a t-shirt from the Orangutan Foundation. Enough already, I hear you saying. I check out their website a day or two later and it seems they have premises in London!!! Just around the bloody corner from where I used to work. Who felt silly now?

To cut a long story short I read the website front to back and top to bottom (can you do this with a website? If you can, then I did). I read with interest about the great work and learned about the volunteer programme. Wow! Borneo suddenly seemed very achievable. It would have to wait until next year, possibly the following, but it no longer seemed like a pipe dream after all. Could I do anything in the interim...?

A further conversation raised the topic of running a half marathon. Well I could do that I suppose. I COULD DO THAT!!! Why not? Run a half marathon (a full one still seems too far) and raise some money for the Orangutan Foundation. Yes, I want to be out there and do some work directly. But why on earth should I not do anything from this end in the meantime? So a few days after I stuff myself silly at Christmas I email Sophie at the OF London office and tell her I'm entering the Silverstone Half Marathon in March and would like to raise funds for them. March. That's aeons away. Of course I'll be ready. I can go from no exercise to 13.1 miles in 12 weeks. Oh dear....

Off to the shops and I get my running kit. Wow! I could have just sent a cheque for the value of that little lot. Much easier. And training begins. Week by week everything goes well. By week 7 I'm up to 10k. I can do this!  Then week 8 - disaster! I've been too cocky and overdone it. Shin splints. Nooooo!!! I am unable to run for 3 weeks. I can barely walk. Fast forward and a week to go before the event and I am able do a couple of 4k runs to keep everything moving.

And I arrive at the day. Silverstone. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? A dear friend, Allan calls and tells me I'm an inspiration and he's proud of me. Now sir, that's perfect timing and I'll be eternally grateful for that phone call. There are many in heavyweight fancy dress - are they serious? You better believe they are. Boys and girls in their 70s and 80s are lining up beside me. There's a guy in a dinosaur outfit, barefoot! Well. It's now or never.

So off we go. Mile after mile.... after mile.... after mile. This is going to take forever. I look up. I can see one of the mile markers. How far have I got, 4, 5, 6 miles already? TWO! You're having a laugh mate! TAXI!!! And you guessed it, the guy in the dinosaur outfit had gone passed me (after about 300 yards by memory), I'd also just got overtaken by a guy in his ostrich/jockey garb - a la Bernie Clifton.

Well I got there in the end and managed a decent time. I had great support all the way. Around the track from my mate Dani and my lovely lady too. From other friends who called and text and spurred me on and also from fellow runners and those who came out on the day to cheer on their own loved ones. And there were so many others who supported with their donations. I am so grateful to everyone and can't wait (but I shall) to do the next one.

So first part of project Borneo ticked off my list. How many more stages to this journey there'll be I really don't know, but there will be more and I know I have only just started. The important thing is I have started. One day in the not too distant future I'll be working away in Borneo and I'll think of my day at Silverstone and the t-shirt that Alison gave me as a gift and I shall smile and probably have a little laugh to myself. Doing your bit is as much easier than you think!"

Fundraiser Arif Huseyin ran the Silverstone Half-Marathon, March 12th 2017. He not only made fantastic time but also managed to raise a terrific amount – over £1,000.

These funds will be spent on a new klotok (boat) to enable Orangutan Foundation field staff stationed at two of our guard posts to carry out their daily activities. The two guard posts are based in the south of Tanjung Puting National Park, Indonesian Borneo - Sungai Buluh Besar and Sungai Buluh Kecil. These guard posts act as bases from which the local area can be monitored and protected from any illegal activities.

Have you been inspired to take part in a fundraising activity for the Orangutan Foundation? Click here to find out all the different ways you could get involved and support orangutan conservation.

A big thank you from Borneo

Orangutan Foundation staff have sent a thank you message from Borneo to all those who helped to raise awareness and funds during Orangutan Awareness Week. thank-you-oaw-2

In particular, thank you to All Things Wild, who ran a Primate Week and hosted a talk by Cathy Smith from Orangutan Foundation. After the talk Cathy said "it was wonderful to meet people who had been out to visit or volunteer for the Orangutan Foundation in Borneo but it was also great to talk to many new and interested people, who turned out on a cold and wet November evening!".

Rickshaw Travel helping to raise awareness and funds for orangutan Foundation.

Thanks also to Rickshaw Travel for raising awareness all week and organising their own ginger bake off in aid of the Orangutan Foundation. Thanks to Sunnyside Primary School for going orange and to our dedicated member Steph Brown for her chocolate fundraiser.

The deadline has now passed for the Great Orangutan Bake Off #GOBO competition but thanks to those who entered. We will reveal the star bakers once our judges, Patrick Aryee and Ian Cumming have made their decisions!

Finally, save the dates!  29 November to 2 December. Your donations will be doubled through the Big Give Christmas Challenge and will help us to protect orangutan habitat.

Thank you!

Orangutan Foundation

Change a habit - save a habitat!

We are asking our supporters to make a positive start to 2010, and make their New Year’s resolutions really count by taking part in ‘Change a habit – save a habitat’. An idea which will benefit both you and us….and in theory it costs you nothing! Here's how it works: you choose a habit and change it (reduce it or stop it) and donate the savings made by doing this to the Orangutan Foundation.

Examples: Cut down on take away coffees – saving £2 per week = £8 a month Cut out a bottle of wine per week – saving £5 per week = £20 a month Stop smoking - one packet of cigarettes - saving £6 per week = £24 a month Reduce sweeties/chocolate – saving £1 per week = £4 a month Change your transport (walk it, cycle it) – saving £3 per week = £12 a month Take a packed lunch – saving £10 per week = £40 a month

Select an amount from the examples above or decide on your own monthly target.Contact the Orangutan Foundation to make your donation or donate through this blog and leave a comment telling us what habit you are going to try and change.

 Your donation will go towards our vital work protecting critical orangutan habitat.

Good luck and thank you,

Cathy - Orangutan Foundation (UK office)

Thank you for going orange for orangutans!

We have so many people to thank for joining in with this year's Orange for Orangutan Day.  So far we have raised nearly £7,500 for our 'Protect Me and My Tree Appeal' and this matches last year's total, but the money is coming in daily so we hope to raise much more! Here are a few photos from the various orange themed events that took place. We really appreciate everyone's efforts and their generosity.  Also, it's not too late to help - please make a donation and help us to reach our target of £15,000. Thank you Lorraine G and Tal B for your donations. Pam Swan organised a cappucinnos and cookies party and with her friends raised over £200.

Pam Swan -cookies and Cappuccinos

Pam even provided her dog Jake with an orange scarf so he could join in!

Pam’s orange day raffle

The raffle offered loads of prizes!

Pam’s cookies

Pam's husband was in charge of the cappuccinos and serving the cookies (all baked with non-palm oil ingredients of course!).

Another one of our super members, Jacha, organised a dinner party for 40 people and raised over £1,000!

Jacha’s dinner party

Jacha's dinner party with fabulous orangutan images on the walls.

Jacha’s dinner party

Marathon des Sable in aid of Orangutan Foundation

Chris Smith is a life member of the Orangutan Foundation and he always pushes himself to the extreme to raise money for us, one year he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. But this year's challenge, the Marathon des Sable (MdS), a seven day/151 mile endurance race across the Sahara Desert in Morocco, must have been the hardest yet. The event took place in March but between Chris and ourselves it's taken a while to get this post together! Thank you so much Chris for putting your poor body through such an endurance to raise almost £4,000 for us! We thoroughly appreciate your efforts and hope your feet are now better! MdS blow by blow - by Chris Smith

'Arrived on Thursday 26th March and went to our hotel in Ouarzazate. Next day travelled through the Atlas Mountains and into the desert (about six hours driving). Within an hour of leaving it started raining heavily and never stopped for the whole journey. Needles to say this took us all by surprise and caused a few issues for the journey. The coach stopped at the end of the road and we transferred to army trucks for the final 15km drive to the desert camp. Everyone was nervous of their kit getting wet as nothing was designed for rain!

Marathon des Sable -Day 1

Day 1 -The Dunes

We arrived at the camp which was a disaster with most of it heavily flooded. I was in flip flops in mud above my ankles. We found one of the few dry tents and got settled in. After going for dinner we were told to eat up quickly as we were all being evacuated to a local town and hotel. We made another body crunching journey in the back of the army trucks to the town and checked into some random hotel who had gone from having six tourists to 206 guests in an hour!

Saturday we were told by the organizers that they were unsure if the event would go ahead as the camp and equipment was badly damaged and the rain was still pouring down. We all sat miserably around the hotel with nothing to do. Sunday arrived, the day we expected to start the race and the rain stopped. We were told that we were all being transferred to another hotel for the administration formalities (medical and kit checks) and the event was starting on at a changed starting location. We went and did all the formalities, thankfully they were happy with my medical, ECG and equipment and I was through the process quickly. We then had another day of sitting around waiting to hear what was happening. Later that afternoon the race director informed us the event was going ahead but it would have to change each day as many areas of the course were impassible due to flash rivers having formed. The event would be reduced from seven to five days with four stages. There was uproar that the distance was being cut. They told us it would be difficult to maintain the 150 mile distance but they would see what could be done. I think they were also worried about the event loosing its reputation if it was cut too much.

Marathon des Sable -Tents

On the Monday we were driving out into the desert and the starting line placed about 2km before a huge range of dunes, Africa's second largest after Namibia we were told. Off we went running all the way to the dunes and then very quickly the reality kicked in just how hard the event would be. The weight of the pack, the soft sand and size of the dunes made it impossible to keep a quick pace and zapped your energy. The first day ended up being 20 miles with 10 miles of this being dunes. The temperature was a pleasant 28 degrees. I finished about mid pack and felt OK. My shoulders were badly swollen due to the pack and my feet were a little sore but otherwise I felt happy with the situation. I found my tent which we had organized before the start and was pleased to find I was third home of our tent of seven. I settled in the the rest of the day making some food and lazing about. I didn't sleep well at all, the night was really cold and the wind went straight through the tent which was open at both ends. I wished I had a better sleeping bag and more clothing.

Marathon des Sable

Day two was to be a circular route back to the same camp. We were woken at 6 am and told the event would start at 9 am and would be 23 miles with about 6 miles of dunes. The organizers informed us that due to the backlash to the race distance being shortened they were seeking to make the terrain tougher than normal, one part of this was the inclusion of dunes in each day. We started lively enough until we hit some rocky assent which spread the field and took the sting out of my lively legs and rested feet! My aim was to just keep moving as quickly as I could and just minimize the wasted time involved in following people of the assent parts and at checkpoints. We entered a field of dunes just as the the heat of the day kicked in, it was about 34 degrees today. There was a large stretch from CP1 to CP2 of flat rocky terrain and sand before we had more assent. The final leg back to camp involved flat ground with boulders which played havoc with your feet and ankles so I was actually quite relieved to get into the dunes which finished the day. I crossed the line much more tired today and was pleased the day was over. I headed to the tent and assessed the damage to the feet and shoulders. Things were not too bad but my body was starting to hurt and it was time for pain killers in a decent quantity. I cooked my dinner and settled and rested up having a laugh with the guys in the tent. Soon after settling down to sleep I felt sick and headed out of the tent to spend what was to be a long night being sick until the early hours of the morning watching the sun come up sat against the tent pole as the camp slept.

A mixture of painkillers and the dehydrated food packs had ruined my stomach. At 6 am the Moroccan camp helpers arrived to take the tents down and our group sat preparing breakfast and for the day's stage. I felt terrible and I could see them all looking at me thinking I was done for!!

To top things off the organizers came round the camp informing us that today's leg was to be 57 miles (91km). I quickly realized this was to me the worst day of my life so far. I got my kit together, missing breakfast and just made sure I had plenty of water and salt. We started at 9:30am and had a nice flat section to the first check point. I got some anti-sickness tablets from the doctors and carried on. I was miserable and dreadful company for my mate who was starting to suffer badly with his feet. We pushed the pace on as best we could to CP2 going through a sandstorm on an open part of this stage. We went straight through CP 2 and CP3 trying as best we could to keep moving and avoid the temptation to rest or sort our feet out that were really starting to suffer. At CP4 my mate (Dan) was in a bad way and we sat for a while to rest. I was talking to him and he was making no sense. I called a doctor over, who suggested he was dehydrated. Dan decided to rest for longer so I continued on my own. Now the stage changed for the worse. I still had 27 miles to do and ahead of me lay miles of dunes and a mountain to ascend and descend. These were the biggest dunes yet and seemed almost vertical in some parts. I felt knackered and tried to switch off and keep plodding on. I was dark now and trying to find a good route was impossible I took a bearing and plodded on alone listening to my mp3 I had taken for any low points. A couple of flares went off in the dune section from people who had got lost or given up.

I walked though CP 5 and CP6 just taking my water and keeping moving. I had eaten nothing all day and felt exhausted and like I could sleep standing up. I just kept taking my water, salt and lots of caffeine which made me piss like a camel! I made it back to the camp at 5:30am the next morning and stumbled to my tent. I was third back to our tent and really pleased with how well I had done in light of my condition. All the guys made it back to the tent including Dan. I was fed up as my body hurt so much that I could not sleep and I was too frightened to take any more pain killers. You have what is left of this day to rest so I just lazed about and had a few bits to eat. I binned the rest of my dehydrated food packs which made me feel sick just thinking about eating. My feet were in a mess and I patched them up as best I could.

We labeled the camp 'The Death Camp' as it looked like a POW camp with people being sick and suffering diarrhea, hobbling and groaning.

Final day, we were woken by the Moroccan guys again and we pulled ourselves together for the day ahead. One last pack of the rucksack and breakfast. I managed to beg some snacks to replace my dehydrated packs and thankfully managed to eat it and keep it down. Today was a marathon leg with some rocky assent, dunes and river crossing. My feet were in agony at the start and it took a good hour before I got used to the pain. Dan and I kept together and we pushed on a best we could trying to keep moving until the energy ran out. I managed until CP3 before the fatigue kicked in and I felt exhausted, I have never felt as tired in my life and it took everything I had to keep going. There was a long climb after the last CP and I kept hoping that the end would be over the next hill. After about the forth hill it was and there it was in the distance. It was amazing how seeing the finish line brought me round and Dan and I lit up our fat Cuban cigars in the last stretch to smoke across the line. We cross it together and got our hug and medal from Patrick, the race director. After a few pictures I headed straight to the doctors tent to get my feet sorted.

Marathon des Sable - Chris and Dan

Chris (left) and Dan at the finishing Line

We went to our tents for a final night in camp before leaving the next day back to civilization. I finished 500th of 870 starters. Everyone in our tent finished as well. I think about 70 dropped out this year which was mainly due to illness with the odd few getting lost on the long day.'

Marathon des Sable -feet

Chris' feet after medical attention!

Indonesian Fundraising Evening

Please excuse another non-field related post but I'd like to say a huge thank you to Kate and Micky Walsarie Wolff who run a B&B called L’Orée des Bois ( in France. Kate and Micky - Indonesian Fundraising Evening

Kate and Micky, members of the Orangutan Foundation, visited Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo a few years ago. It was Micky's first trip back to Indonesia in 50 years. The trip inspired them to get involved and help and so on Saturday they held an Indonesian evening in aid of the Orangutan Foundation.

Indonesian Cuisine

I was lucky to be in a position to go along to the evening and sample the delicious authentic Indonesian cuisine on offer, such as my favourite dish Gado-Gado.

Indonesian buffet

All the food was prepared and cooked by their family who drove all the way from Holland!

Indonesian Fundraising Evening

Indonesian Cuisine

The evening ended with a raffle and everyone was very generous in buying plenty of tickets. Thank you to La Vallee des Singes who provided the first prize and thank you Kate and Micky!

Cathy - Orangutan Foundation UK office.

Supermarket Sweep!

Last Saturday afternoon, the foyer of a Brighton-based branch of Sainsbury's supermarket played host to my first awareness & fundraiser day for the Orangutan Foundation. Myself (a past field volunteer and now intern for the Foundation), Dan (a past field volunteer and subsequently Co-ordinator for the 2008 Volunteer Programme) and my two very kind and willing friends Grace and Vikki, set up stall and spent the day taking turns donning Nick, the Foundation's orangutan suit. Volunteers & Nick the orangutan

Sam is on the left and Dan on the right.

UK volunteers

Sainsburys very kindly let us into the store to wander the aisles and drum up a bit of a buzz... and that we did to everyones amusement.

Nick buying bananas

Nick buying bananas

Bar the few terrified children and check-out girl who I made scream, fun was had by all and we raised just shy of £250 and hundreds of our leaflets were taken by interested shoppers. The day, whilst a trial run, was very succesful. If any one is interested in helping out on future fun days like this, or would like to set up their own, then don't hesitate to contact us on

