every acre of orangutan habitat counts!

Between 1990 and 2015, 67.9 million acres of forest were lost in Indonesia, with Central Kalimantan experiencing one of the highest rates of deforestation.

Though in 2017, Indonesia’s deforestation rate slowed for the first time in decades, loss of habitat is the main reason why orangutans are classified as critically endangered by the ICUN.

To paint the picture, 250 acres of forest can only support between 2 to five individual orangutans. The orangutan needs vast areas of healthy and connected tropical forests to survive.

By sponsoring an acre, you will help to fund our Habitat Protection Programme and ensure that no more habitat is lost. This programme focuses on two extensive conservation areas: Tanjung Puting National Park and Lamandau Wildlife Reserve, in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo.

These areas combined total over half a million acres of prime habitat supporting close to 5,000 orangutans.

Orangutan Foundation guard post and river portal monitoring the forests.

Orangutan Foundation guard post and river portal monitoring the forests.

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Fire-fighting team extinguishing fires in 2018.

Fire-fighting team extinguishing fires in 2018.

By sponsoring an acre, you will help us to:

  • Run 10 guard post and river portal monitoring the forests.

  • Carry out regular forest and river patrols to deter illegal activity (including logging and mining).

  • Maintain fire-fighting equipment at our guard posts to allow field staff to rapidly respond to forest fires.

  • Support our sapling nurseries to replant and restore degraded forest.

The tropical forests of Borneo and Sumatra provide far more than a home for orangutans. They are one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, providing livelihoods for local people and playing a vital role in mitigating climate change. On average, one acre of tropical forest in Indonesia stores 326 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e), the amount generated by about 69 passenger vehicles being driven for one year.


Sponsor an Acre week: 12th - 19th August 2024

We run an annual Sponsor an Acre week in August, leading up to International Orangutan Day on the 19th.

This year, you sponsored 2,851 acres, the highest amount ever reached! We thank you for your support of this campaign both during this week and year round.